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Pilot Union Voices Safety Concerns on American Airlines Flights

Pilot representatives at American Airlines are reporting a rise in flight safety incidents.

The Allied Pilots Association, the union representing American Airlines pilots, is raising warning bells about a “significant spike” in safety and maintenance issues. Some issues include:

  • Pressure to return aircraft to service to maintain on-time importance
  •  Tools left in wheel wheels
  •  Increased time between routine aircraft inspections
  •  Planes are colliding more frequently while being towed
  •  Removal of overnight maintenance checks unless the plane is written up or due for scheduled maintenance

“We all understand that aviation accidents are the result of a chain of events – often a series of errors – and catching just one of those errors could prevent a tragedy. As the last link in the safety chain, our passengers and crew depend on us to be the strongest link in that chain,” the union said in a recently released statement.

Union president Ed Sicher stated that the union now has senior management’s attention and is encouraged by their response.

This warning follows several high-profile plane safety issues. On two flights in March, United Airlines had a missing body panel and a lost tire. Other recent plane issues reported include loose bolts on door plugs and a door that blew off midflight.

While there were no fatalities, the increased issues forced airlines to improve safety efforts. 

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